Coping with Injury [Kat’s Hip Labrum Recovery]

Athlete Stories

Kat shares her experience with hip labrum surgery recovery on this episode of The Fuel Your Comeback Podcast.

How do you cope with hip labrum surgery?

Here’s Kat’s advice:

  • Take it day by day by listening to your body and aligning with what feels authentic to you.
  • Take the time to come back on your own timeline.
  • Have some grace and empathy with yourself and embrace the uniqueness of the situation and see what you can get out of it.

In this episode Emily and former Duke LAX player Kat Zempolich, talk about Kat’s “hip stuff”, what life and mindset is like as a walk on, trying not to create self-fulfilling prophecies, observing the big picture, not just specific foods, and embracing the uniqueness of the situation.

Kat also hosts the podcast The Mental Matchup for the non-profit Morgan’s Message, a platform for student athletes struggling with mental health.  Kat shares her check-in tips for athletes and providers.

To apply to be an ambassador for Morgan’s Message, go to

You can also listen to Emily’s episode of The Mental Matchup here:

Happy Fueling <3


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Emily Barnhart
