Fill your feed with helpful, entertaining content from qualified professionals. Shameless plug: you can also follow me, your Injury RD, here, if you don’t already. 😚
For high-quality nutrition info:

Brett always has fantastic, no-nonsense unbiased opinions on what the research is actually telling us is helpful.

If you ever read a food label and think, what the F even is that ingredient and why is it in here? This account is for you.

Kyndall gives SO many fantastic examples. Wanna learn what to eat and how? Go here.

Reilly is a sports dietitian that has great tips for athletes returning to the field.

Another great sports dietitian that has perfected the art of entertaining educational content.

I love Lauren for her Marketing Madness series. She provides great insight on how companies are using total BS to get you to buy their product.
For all your rehab needs:

Ravi is down-to-earth, kind, and his podcast is a fantastic resource.

Steph is another great DPT with her athlete’s best interest at heart, and she totally understands the nutrition piece of this puzzle.

For all my ski and snowboard friends.

So. Many. Examples. Holy moly.

Another great page with a ton of examples and insight, and I love how she tells it straight.

Research. City. Such a great way to stay up to date!

I love the Q&A prompt posts. A really easy way to find a specific answer to your questions.
For more cooking ideas:

A sports dietitian with fantastic recipes and tricks.

Need I say more?

For my athletes that love comfort foods, this account has some great hacks to hit all your favorite flavors while also hitting your protein goals.
For your mental health:

An absolute must follow for all rehabbers, no matter what age.

I love these real-life stories and insights.

Another great resource and way to find community. Their book is also a MUST read.
For the vibes:

For the memes and gentle nutrition reminders. Like, have you had any water today bbg?

This one is for the meal ideas and gentle nutrition reminders. Like, social determinants of health have a much bigger impact on your food choices than your “discipline”.

It’s an Olympic year! Go support our athletes!

Another Olympian who’s just an absolute f*cking gem.

I love her for the pep talks, unashamedly immature jokes, and low-key deep sh*t sometimes.